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Develop Your Leadership Potential: Stop Doing, Start Leading

Your team is ready for you to lead it! Transition from a high performer into an effective leader.
Address the real-life issues and challenges you are confronting at work and meet your organizational objectives with, through, and by the team.

Leading is hard. The transition from an individual contributor to a leader is even harder. The shift in your mindset from team member to leader is a transformational one. It requires commitment, trust, and the right communication skills to engage your team members and hold them and yourself accountable for results. Learn what it takes to be a successful leader in today’s workplace. Stop doing and start leading!

What You’ll Learn

Discover your unique strengths as a leader and develop additional competencies that will help you achieve the skills and characteristics that can push you to the next level of success as a leader in your organization. Work through others in a trusting and dynamic relationship to gain connection, cooperation, and collaboration. 

Expect Thoroughly Trained Trainers: The participants in Develop Your Leadership Potential: Stop Doing, Start Doing are made up of both formal and informal leaders. Psychological Safety is emphasized to create a safe place to try out new skills and ideas. The trainers are highly vetted and undergo intense training that is ISO9002 certified to achieve consistent results globally. While part of a global organization, they are connected to your local culture, customs and language.

Expect Breakthroughs: Each time a new skill is introduced, it is practiced the ‘right’ way and coached in the moment before moving it out into your life and work. Once a skill has been tested with clients, team members, and others, the group holds itself accountable by reporting back on what did or did not work. This social learning approach makes it possible for everyone to learn from each other’s efforts. By experiencing a series of successful attempts with positive reinforcement, habits are changed, and new skills are ingrained.

Why you want to learn it

We assume that a high-performance employee can immediately translate into a high-performance leader. The fact is that the skillset and mindset are completely different and the transition can be hard. It’s hard on new leaders because they have to shift from relying on themselves to relying on others for results. It’s hard on the organization because it loses the work output from their prior role to gain a leader who is learning on the job.

How it will help you

You will be more equipped to tackle complex challenges, expand your ingenuity, and excel in building team harmony. Use your new skills to achieve measurable results, securing your place as a valued contributor. As you become more adept at influencing, you’ll find yourself inspiring others to take initiative and innovate. The time has come to start leading now!

Supplemental Resources

Leadership Guide for First-Time Managers

The transition from employee to a leader is one of the most challenging times in a career. Dale Carnegie’s learning guide provides areas for first-time managers to concentrate and build their leadership skills. Read More >

Managers Matter: A Relationship-Centered Approach to Engagement

Employee engagement translates to superior performance. Knowing how managers act as the catalyst for engagement provides organizations with further insight on how to move the needle on employment engagement levels - and realize the bottom line benefits. Read More >

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